Top 4 Easy Tips to Become a Healthy Version of Yourself this 2022

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There are so many health hacks that you may encounter. The new year is the perfect time to get a fresh start to live a happy and healthier life. Here are the top four health hacks to improve health and wellness in 2022.
eating healthy foods for a healthier version of yourself
Table of Contents

2021 has been a tough year for most due to the pandemic, but this new year of 2022 we should all prioritize health and wellness. Why? The new year is the perfect time to get a fresh start to live a happy and healthier life. Put 2021 behind you and move forward focusing on some clever tips or techniques to use as health hacks. These are little steps that have a significant impact on boosting health and making our lives better in the upcoming year of 2022. These are the top four health hacks you need to consider in 2022.

1. Experiment with healthier versions of your favorite foods.

Eating healthy and nutritious foods has many benefits, but sometimes there are favorite foods that you love the most may not be healthy. You can give in to your cravings but try to substitute and revise with healthy alternatives.

For example, you can add chopped healthy veggies or spinach to a pasta sauce. It can boost the nutrients of your favorite pasta you crave in your usual restaurants. Another trick to replacing a regular smoothie with a healthy version smoothie that has lots of berries, fruits and superfoods like spinach or other vegetables. You can have a favorite food or snacks like pizza, candies, ice cream, and fries but with the healthier version.

Instead of frying them like the potato fries that you always crave and love, try baking them with coconut oil. Instead of candies, try to grab some frozen fruits instead. They have lots of natural sugars that will satisfy your cravings for sweets. Instead of buying ice cream, swap it out for your DIY vegan “ice cream” made of blended frozen bananas and a few other healthy ingredients.

You can now have healthier versions of your favorite food that fills you up with essential fiber, protein, some nutritious and natural ingredients. In that way, you feel guilt-free, full, satisfied, and happy but stay on with your healthy lifestyle goals. DIY or healthy cooking doesn’t have to sacrifice the delicious taste you crave, and eating healthier does not have to mean you forego your favorite foods you just enhance them by creating a healthier version.

2. Try to sleep like a baby.

Not all are conscious of the idea that sleep is involved in the healing process, recharging and repairing your body. Experts believe we need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night to achieve the needed amount of sleep and that sleeping like a baby is the best health hack for that. Sleeping like a baby means to sleep very well. Did you know that good sleep can keep your brain sharp, improve your mood, make you feel more youthful and get your energy level sky-high? Another benefit is sleeping like a baby will reduce your insulin levels, leading to washing away stress and, of course, healthier, younger-looking radiant skin.

These tips will help you sleep better just like a baby, waking up the next morning well-rested and ready, just follow these simple hacks:

  1. Do some bedtime ritual or relaxing activity an hour before you sleep, like reading or meditation
  2. Follow the “no more gadgets” rule 2 hours before you sleep.
  3. Do some exercise and physical activity 4 to 5 hours before bedtime.
  4. Try to avoid caffeine starting noontime till night.
  5. When you’re at bed think only good thoughts not about work or tasks to do.
  6. Try to maintain a time to sleep and wake upon a schedule and stick to it.
  7. Try not to nap after 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
  8. Eat light and healthy during dinner time.

3. Adopt and become accustomed to the new Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) trend with intelligent medical devices.

RPM empowers individuals to manage their own health. It is another top health hack you need to consider for 2022. The use of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) has increased to help manage the health and wellness of individuals with chronic conditions anytime, anywhere in the comfort of their home. RPM refers to monitoring a patient’s health data from afar through the use of health monitoring devices. These RPM devices record a patient’s health data and transmit it to a clinician who can analyze and track the patient’s health. As the clinician receives the data electronically from the patient’s health monitoring devices, they can give appropriate actions and recommendations.

Some examples of RPM devices are blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter, glucose meter, or weight scale, all of which can connect to patients’ smartphones or tablets via Bluetooth. Those medical devices use internet connections to transmit readings to the healthcare provider to interpret the data. RPM can transmit user-entered data and store the data in systems securely while giving access to doctors for monitoring readings or determining responses.

4. Use mobile applications to monitor your health.

A healthy lifestyle is more than just proper diet, nutrition, and exercise. Getting enough sleep, taking good care of your physical and mental aspects is important. Remembering things like your medications and doctor’s scheduled checkups also play essential roles in staying healthy. Choosing and using mobile applications can be a great way to manage them. Different healthy lifestyle apps have great content, reliability, and user reviews, so you may want to add one of the health hacks you need to consider for 2022.

Apps are phone programs that let you enhance your skills and do hobbies like play games, and can even help you monitor your health. One example is mobile apps for dieting and losing weight. These apps you keep in touch and better understand the choices you make about your overall diet. It provides detailed information about the benefits of many healthy foods for vegetarians and meat-eaters and helps calculate every calorie. It also helps you calculate your BMI and other body measurements to see how changes in your diet result in either positive or negative health results.

DrKumo RPM mobile application acquires data from available medical physiological sensors and transfers data via Intelligent Cloud Service. This is an easy-to-use software & advanced patient engagement tool that will help with early detection and critical alerts that will optimize telehealth interventions between health care providers and patients.


The health hacks above were only a few, but the most important and effective ones are helpful for you to stay on track with your health and wellness goals.

To know more about how to play an active role in managing your own health, contact your doctor and ask about Remote Patient Monitoring services.

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