Find Us to learn about Connected Health Tech, meet our Veteran community and participate in our consumer survey for a chance to win prized RPM medical devices.
Buena Park, California, United States of America, September 19, 2022—DrKumo, the leader in Connected Health Technology, will be attending the 2022 1st Annual Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC) Health and Wellness Back on Campus Day to join the special recognition to Women Veterans and Urban American Indians with our Veterans and Military Families.
The event will be held on September 22, 2022 at 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, LATTC E3 – Culinary Arts Indoor Cafeteria.
As you learn about the new health and wellness trends in Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Disease Management Protocols (DMPs), you can be entered to win a FREE DrKumo RPM medical device for home use and under the care of your doctor/provider.
Complete the survey to RSVP and we hope to see you there! – CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS