5 Things You Should Know About Preeclampsia

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Preeclampsia could be life-threatening to the mother and/or the baby. How can remote patient monitoring help?
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Preeclampsia is a dangerous blood pressure disorder that occurs during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure and high protein levels in the urine. After the 20th week of pregnancy, preeclampsia usually occurs. It can potentially harm other organs in the body, as well as the mother and the unborn baby. Preeclampsia and other hypertension disorders of pregnancy can be life-threatening conditions that are exacerbated by delays in diagnosis or treatment. They can have catastrophic consequences for both women and their newborns before, during, and after birth.

What are the symptoms of preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia can occur without causing any symptoms. High blood pressure can grow gradually or develop suddenly. Headaches, abdominal pain, shortness of breath or burning below the sternum, nausea and vomiting, disorientation, heightened anxiety, and/or visual problems such as oversensitivity to light, blurred vision, or seeing flashing spots or auras are all signs of preeclampsia.

How can preeclampsia affect the mother?

If preeclampsia isn’t treated quickly and effectively, it can cause major problems for the mother, such as hepatic or renal failure, as well as possible cardiovascular problems.

It can also lead to life-threatening illnesses like eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Eclampsia is a severe form of preeclampsia that causes the mother to have seizures. HELLP Syndrome is a disorder that affects the pregnant woman’s red blood cell breakdown, blood clotting, and liver function and occurs late in pregnancy.

How can preeclampsia affect the baby?

If the baby has pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure can reduce the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach her. In severe situations, the newborn may be depleted of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in stunted growth. This growth restriction puts the baby’s life in jeopardy, necessitating the baby’s birth early, even prematurely.

Placental abruption, another significant complication of pre-eclampsia, is a life-threatening situation in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall and the woman experiences vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain.

 What is the treatment for preeclampsia?

The type of treatment is determined by how close you are to your due date. Your healthcare provider will most likely wish to deliver your baby as soon as feasible if you are close to your due date and the baby is fully formed. If your baby has not attained full development and you have a minor case, your doctor will likely advise you to have complete bed rest and increase the number of prenatal visits. But if you have a severe case, your doctor may try to treat you with blood pressure medication, bed rest, dietary changes, and supplements until you are far enough along to deliver safely.

How can remote patient monitoring help patients with preeclampsia?

Remote patient monitoring is a secure and easy monitoring method that can promote adherence to self-monitoring among postpartum women with preeclampsia. Remote patient monitoring can detect severe hypertension early, treat it quickly, and keep people from having to go back to the hospital because of high blood pressure.


Preeclampsia is a serious condition of pregnancy characterized by high maternal blood pressure, and protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be fatal for both the mother and the child, as it increases fetal and maternal morbidity and death. The treatment necessitates a careful balance of maternal and fetal risk-benefit.

Read more: Top Three Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring Among Pregnant Patients

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