How Remote Physiologic Monitoring Help Patients with Chronic Heart Diseases?

In the United States, approximately 45% of all Americans have at least one chronic disease. Looking at a particular chronic disease, about 12.1% of all Americans have a cardiovascular chronic disease. Remote physiologic monitoring or RPM, is an effective way of keeping track of cardiovascular diseases while socially distancing during this Covid-19 pandemic and beyod. Even considering factors outside of the pandemic, RPM is an overall safer, more time-effective, and cost-effective option for those with cardiovascular diseases. DrKumo state-of-the-art remote patient monitoring technology solution is engineered to help patients with chronic diseases and has specific Disease Management Protocol (DMP) to assist patients struggling with cardiovascular diseases. According to the CDC, cardiovascular or heart disease is the “leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.” Specifically, approximately 1 in 4 deaths in the U.S. is attributed to cardiovascular disease. The umbrella term “cardiovascular disease” encompasses many diseases or conditions, with some of the most common including hypertension (high blood pressure), atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rate), heart failure, coronary heart disease (narrowing of the arteries/ plaque build-up in the arteries), and many more. Because it is more difficult for those with cardiovascular diseases to go to the hospitals for checkups during this pandemic, RPM is necessary for the safety of patients with heart diseases. Before heart disease patients receive all the necessary technology for RPM, they will be given more than sufficient information and feedback. In addition, patients are encouraged to continue asking any questions or seeking further information to make the RPM process as smooth and efficient as possible. Specifically for those with cardiovascular diseases, DrKumo provides blood pressure machines and EKG (electrocardiographs) measured from several types of medical-grade technology that are included in an effective and inclusive DrKumo watch that uses progressive technology. Heart disease patients with hypertension specifically can constantly be monitored via the EKG measurements and the blood pressure machines, and doctors can warn patients when necessary. In addition, patients with other heart diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation, will constantly be monitored with blood pressure machines and EKG measurements. EKG measurements can ensure that the heart is beating at an acceptable rate or is not acting up in any way. In this way, RPM technology is preemptive and ensures that premature heart disease-related deaths can be avoided. In addition, with RPM technology, patients and doctors are constantly in contact with one another, and doctors can continuously give patients feedback when monitoring their health. On the other hand, patients can ask doctors any questions related to their health at any time. Through DrKumo's RPM, patients’ safety and concerns are prioritized, leading to a more patient-centric environment. With DrKumo's RPM technology and patients’ permission, doctors can access heart disease patients’ medical records and health history at all times, giving them a better insight on patterns that patients have faced and therefore helping them to prevent heart attacks, strokes, or other sudden attacks based on past patterns and information.